The Floyd B. “Doc” Buchanan Fund was established in 1981 to honor the District’s first and long-time Superintendent, and the educational philosophies developed during his tenure. Today, the Foundation for Clovis Schools is engaged in a partnership with the Clovis Unified School District to develop current and future leaders whose decision-making is grounded in the core values and educational beliefs that have contributed to the District’s success over time. The Doc Buchanan Leadership Academy is an intentional leadership development program to sustain high standards and keep student-centered decision-making as a hallmark of Clovis Unified into the future. Resources to support this endeavor are provided by the Foundation for Clovis Schools’ Doc Buchanan Fund.
Leaders in Clovis Unified learn to make decisions founded in these core philosophies:
Additional Clovis Unified leadership resources can be found on Clovis Unified's Leadership Training page.